BALLET (The swan lake, present)- Tere Pérez

We have thought of a cultural proposal that is an event in the field of dance, specifically ballet.
The title of the ballet is the swan lake, surely it will sound to everyone as it is a ballet well-known internationally.
It will be realized at Tívoli theater in Barcelona, ​​on Wednesday 22nd of May until Sunday 2nd of June.  The duration of this cultural event is 2 hours and a half. If I was you, I would buy the tickets, because normally, they run out very quickly!

This cultural event is a unique opportunity to enjoy the classical dance of this masterpiece of Tchaikovsky. A story of impossible love in four acts. It is, without doubt, one of the most choreographed and versioned pieces of all time.

Specifically, the swan lake, is about love and magic and the eternal struggle of good and evil. The protagonist is Prince Siegfried, in love with Odette, young woman turned into a swan by the spell of the evil Von Rothbart and Odile the black swan and daughter of the sorcerer.

We recommend this cultural event to people who like the stories of love and magic, and especially to the people who are interested in ballet Is a story for both children and adults, where you will enjoy the agility and vocation of the dancers. Who transmit feelings and make you feel part of the history.

Here we adjunct you some pictures of the swan lake and of the theater: Tívoli:

Resultado de imagen de the swan lake
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Resultado de imagen de tívoli teatro barcelona
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And finally, here we adjunct you a link where you can see a part of this wonderful ballet:


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